IOS Application Certificates: A Guide to Apple Signing

For any iOS application developer, the process of signing and distributing an app on the platform can be a rather daunting and confusing one. Apple’s strict measures to ensure the security of their app store and user’s data makes it imperative that all applications are signed and verified before being accepted onto the app store.

What is an IOS certificate?

An IOS certificate is a digital signature that verifies that an app has been code-signed and is safe to install onto an IOS device. The IOS certificate is used to identify the developer and to build trust between the users and the app store. Each IOS certificate contains a private key and a public key. The private key is used to sign the application, while the public key is embedded in the app to verify its authenticity.

Types of certificates

There are three types of certificates issued by Apple: Development, Ad Hoc, and Production. A Development certificate is used for testing and debugging of the app on a physical device. An Ad Hoc certificate is used for distributing the app to a select group of individuals, typically for testing purposes. A Production certificate is used for submitting the app to the app store for general public release.

Creating an IOS certificate

To create an IOS certificate, you must first create an Apple developer account. Once you’ve registered for an account, you must navigate to the Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles section of the Apple Developer portal. From there, you will be able to create a new certificate by following the prompts.

IOS Application Certificates A Guide to Apple Signing

Signing your app

To sign your app, you will need to use Apple’s codesign utility which is included in Xcode. The codesign utility adds a digital signature to the app bundle which allows the IOS device to verify its authenticity. To sign your app, you will need to select the appropriate certificate for the type of signing you want to perform.

Distributing your app

Once your app has been signed and verified, you can distribute it to the app store or through alternative means such as an enterprise distribution method. To distribute your app to the app store, you will need to create an App Store distribution profile which will allow you to submit your app to the App Store review team for approval.


The IOS signing process is a vital step when developing and distributing applications on the IOS platform. Following the correct procedures and utilizing the correct certificates is crucial to ensure that your app is accepted and trusted on both the app store and by users. By creating and utilizing IOS certificates correctly, developers can ensure that their app meets Apple’s strict standards for security and functionality.





